Off we went last month to Four Seasons Costa Rica, located on the absolutely gorgeous Peninsula Papagayo.

This trip was all about my mother – who was celebrating what we shall call ‘a significant birthday.’ She’d been there before and had such an amazing time, when she had her choice of of anywhere in the world – this was her pick. She is, I should point out, very particular about her holidays so her desire to return spoke volumes about what we could expect and both @modparlphotos and I were very much looking forward to it. Then we started researching the area and what we might do and see – suddenly, it was all monkeys and tree frogs. At least if you asked my camera-wielding husband. 🙂
The first thing that struck us about the Four Seasons Costa Rica was the immense approach to the hotel itself. Like a lush, tropical, and sedate roller coaster. Arriving from the nearby city of Liberia (and that is the nearest airport), you go through the gates of Peninsula Papagayo, a 1400-acre protected landscape where the resort is located. You then drive down a long, meandering, breathtaking road taking in palm trees and carefully curated greenery, past the equally well-curated Arnold Palmer–designed golf course. Just when you think this hilly drive broken up by breath-taking views will go on forever, you reach the resort’s own gate and you are there.
And this is what we found. Continue reading “Four Seasons Costa Rica: Flora, Fauna & Food (A Review)” →